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Introducing our Warbird Sales Team

Find out about our organisation

We are a team of like minded individuals, bringing together our skills and experience to give you the best resource, knowledge and connections in the world. We count ourselves extremely fortunate to be in the industry. We learnt from the ground up. We’re dedicated, passionate and above all else, we care!


The industry is about relationships. It’s about what you know AND who you know. We trust integrity and through integrity we earn trust. Whilst some owners are happy to sell their aircraft publicly on the open market aircraft, others have assets for sale but they are off market and sold (and purchased) discreetly.


Through our relationships and in knowing our client base; we connect people and aircraft. We respect disclosure and discretion. Through years of hard work as individuals we have finally brought this team together and we are ready to serve!

Meet the Team


Jamie Chalkley

Jamie is our contracts specialist, bringing over 2 decades of aircraft sales experience to the team


Andy Durston

Andy brings a wide range of aviation and business skills to the team

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